A Jesus Centered Family Passover Seder

I was so honored to be able to photograph my sister’s family at their Jesus-centered Passover Seder the other night. They used the script I had written and it was perfect for their 5 & 2 year old boys. In this Script, I have allowed each element of Passover to point families and their childrenContinue reading “A Jesus Centered Family Passover Seder”

Salt Dough Empty Tombs

There’s nothing easier than a good salt dough recipe. This one is perfect, and I’ll bet you have the ingredients in your pantry right now. Go check, I’ll wait. 😉 2 cups all purpose flour 1 cup salt 1 cup water Blend, knead, play! (Note, you may need to add a little extra flour asContinue reading “Salt Dough Empty Tombs”