Jesus & the Children

The dictionary definition of GENTLENESS is the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered. The Biblical GENTLENESS comes from a state of humility. It shows love & care for others in actions and speech.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2:3-4

People will argue all of the time about what is the most important thing to concern ourselves with… is it looks, status, money, skill?? But Jesus clearly says in Mark 12:30-31. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” “…and… love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus says, love God. Love people. It’s simple.

There are two instances in the Gospels that the writers recorded interactions Jesus had with young children. As Jesus interacted with the children, He spoke to his disciples and the crowds around Him. They had their views of themselves twisted into thinking they were the greatest and should be highly honored in heaven because of who they were on earth. Jesus corrected their thinking with the simple illustration of a child.

Retelling of Mark 9:33-37, 10:13-16 for TODDLERS

Try reading this to your 1-4 year old using figures or paper cut outs, acting out the story as you read.

Jesus’ friends had been arguing. They wanted to know who was the best. Jesus found them and asked them what they were talking about. Jesus’ friends didn’t know what to say. They were sad that they had been talking about silly things. But Jesus already knew. He invited a little kid to come close and He told His disciples, “Don’t think so much about yourself that you miss what is important. It’s not about what you do that matters as much as Who you love. Have faith like a child. This is the kind of faith that is important in my Kingdom.” 

Another day, while Jesus was teaching people in another place, some parents came to Him with their children. “Bless our children, Jesus.” 

But Jesus’ disciples were angry with the parents and children. “Go away! Jesus is too busy for any of you. He has more important things to do.” They began to shoo the families away.

Jesus stopped them. “Don’t make them leave. I want them here. I love a child’s faith.. Actually, I would want for everyone to have the kind of faith that a child has. It is strong. This is the kind of faith that brings you into my kingdom.” Jesus pulled the children close and began to bless them.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Mark 10:43

The Kingdom of Heaven -Building & Sorting

Use building blocks, legos or magnetic tiles to build Heaven. Talk about the Kingdom of Heaven. God’s Kingdom isn’t only the future, in the place He’s building for us. God’s Kingdom is also here, in His people. Print out pictures of various children in happy and sad situations. As you show the pictures to your child, sort them out. Ask, “what is this child doing?” “Does this belong in the Kingdom of Heaven?” If the answer is no, throw it out.

I created 4 pages of images as a free download for this activity. Keep it simple as you play with your child. The Kingdom of Heaven is God’s will and reign on earth through His people. If the image is showing love for others, or joy in what God has made, it should stay. If it shows anger or pain, it does not have a place in God’s Kingdom.

Take it further… in the images of anger and pain ask your child, “How could this child show God’s love?” or “How could you show God’s love to this child?”

Click the link below for a Free Download – Kingdom of Heaven images

Thumbprint Children

Every child is wonderfully made. Even down to the prints on your fingertips, God made you special and unique. There is no one like you.

Use ink pads to make finger and thumbprints all over a sheet of paper. Go back with a felt tip pen and draw faces, arms and legs on the prints to make unique little people.

Cut into strips, punch a hole in the top and string with ribbon to make a giftable bookmark from your creation. Or cut your prints out into small circles. Glue a clear craft stone over the thumbprint and a magnet to the back for sweet uniquely made fridge magnets.

Multicultural Paper(foam) Dolls

Hobby Lobby sells a great pack of multicultural foam cutout people. My daughter loves to create little foam dolls by cutting out clothes from foam and trimming them with bits of foam and paper. She adds googly eyes and uses fine tip sharpie markers to create details. It’s fun to let your child use their big imagination to create something special and unique just as God made them.

Stop & Go Game

Play a game of Red Light – Green Light. But instead of colors, say, “Jesus says COME!” “Disciples say STOP!”

Also you might print these stop/go signs for visual aids to the game. (Be watching my social media this week as I will also be posting a song we love to sing with these signs)

Click below for a FREE Download of these Stop & Go traffic signs

Faith Cookies

Bake heart and child shaped sugar cookies. Cool & decorate.

For frosting I like to make a colored glaze and let them paint with paintbrushes. Aproximate measurements are 1/4 cup powdered sugar & 2 tsp milk. Add food coloring and stir well. If you feel the mixture is too thin, add more powdered sugar, 1 Tbsp at a time.

Talk about what Jesus meant when He said “You must have faith like a child.” Children are simpler than adults. Adults want to understand everything and try to give everything an explanation before trusting it. Sometimes that causes an adult to be more hesitant in believing some of the things of God. The truth is, there are a lot of God’s ways that just can’t be explained. It’s why it’s called faith. Children do it best. Children believe, love and forgive easily. – that’s the faith of a child.

Published by babiesintheword

Introducing a love for God & His Word at a young age

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